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Debunked!: Juice Plus (A Research Review)

The fads, products, and training myths featured in Debunked! are, in my scientific opinion, an utter waste of time, effort, and money. I’ll investigate each topic, present my sources, explain my rationale, and then provide recommendations for more effective solutions....

Does It Work? Tips for Evaluating a MLM Supplement or Workout

It’s January, which means the onslaught of people selling Beach Body, Shakeology, Juice Plus, Isogenix, Juice Cleanses, Detoxes, Raspberry Ketones, and Insanity is upon us. These are usually sold through MLM (multilevel marketing) programs. Learn what questions...

ESF: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2

Exercise Science Friday: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2 In Part 1 of this article, I explained the difference between an incorrect lockout and a correct lockout for the deadlift. In Part 2, I’m going to explain how to improve your lockout with specific...

ESF: How to Properly Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 1

Exercise Science Friday: How to Properly Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 1 The deadlift shares the spotlight with the squat as King of Exercises. The popularity of Crossfit has introduced the deadlift to many new people, which is excellent. Unfortunately, many...

ESF: No, Running is Not the Same as Training Legs

Exercise Science Friday: No, Running is Not the Same as Training Legs 2-3 times a week, I tell a well-meaning inquirer that “No, running is not the same as training your legs.” This article delves deep into why that is. At the end, I provide one of my...

Better Scrambled Eggs in 5 Simple Steps

Better Scrambled Eggs in 5 Simple Steps I have a goal that one day, I’ll be able to hire somebody else to do all of my cooking for me. Until that day, I’m stuck making my own meals. I cook a lot of scrambled eggs, both as a result of my limited skills and also as a...