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Meet Devin

Devin Gray, CSCS, FMS

Devin & his sister about to skydive

What is your educational and athletic background?

I graduated Cum Laude from Texas A&M University with a degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Motor Behavior, a minor in Psychology, and a certificate in Leadership Development. I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, and hold additional specialty certifications. I’ve focused my studies on functional anatomy, exercise physiology, joint biomechanics, strength training, and nutrition. As an athlete, I have competed in wrestling, submission grappling, soccer, and track & field. In addition, I was a member of the Corps of Cadets - Company F-2 at Texas A&M.

Why are you a strength & conditioning coach?

As a strength & conditioning coach, I’m in a great position to influence lives for the better. Personally, I love the confidence I’ve gained through strength training and physical empowerment. I enjoy helping others to feel that way, whether you’re an athlete, a mom, or a weekend warrior. I’ve also had my share of injuries, and know how frustrating that can be. I’ve used my experiences to improve my knowledge, and have become adept at training around limitations.

Who’s your ideal client?

My ideal client is somebody looking for a highly specific and highly-skilled experience. They want to be coached, not simply taken through the motions or a cookie-cutter program. They want to move better, feel better, and to improve or regain their athleticism. They have a goal in mind and are ready to make it happen.

In answering this question, I thought about what I wanted when I hired my own strength coach. I wanted to trust that what I was doing would lead me to results. Most importantly, I wanted an objective opinion and an honest analysis of where I was and what I was doing. I wanted a plan to reach my goal, and somebody to answer my questions along the way.

What makes your coaching method and training program unique?

The best thing about my coaching method is just that, I’m a coach. I’m very focused on the people in front of me. Specifically, their performance, technique, and safety. In addition, my coaching is highly specific and customized to not only each client’s goals, but also their body. Too often, coaches create programs based not on the person in front of them, but on fads or what’s worked for themselves. They may not listen to the person in front of them and push them into a style that doesn’t match their goals. Being a great coach is about being able to give people what they want, and more importantly, what they need.

Can you tell more about your approach to continuing education?

I love the fitness industry and am a major geek. I study every day, whether it’s a textbook, the latest fitness manual, DVDs, or scholarly journals. I also make it a point to attend 4-5 live events or certification events a year. I’m proud to say that I’ve learned more since leaving college than I did as a student.


Devin is available for contact at [email protected].
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DevinGrayFitness

Listed as a coach on FunctionalMovement.com, IdeaFit, TRX, & PerformBetter.com.