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Weekly Write Up - 6/25

In this week’s collection of thoughts, training tips, and recommended reads; I’ll cover bear crawls, the benefits of starting with an empty bar, the utility of bear crawls, growing vegetables, link two methods of how to self-assess shoulder mobility, and...

Are you fit to run?

I have a confession: I have not ran on a treadmill for more than 5 minutes in over 6 years. That sums up a conversation that I have with clients on a weekly basis. Simply put, running is a bad option for many exercises. Especially beginners. Personally, I simply...

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program, by Devin Gray, CSCS August marks my 1-year anniversary of being a personal trainer. Over the course of the past year, I’ve spoken with plenty of our fantastic members about their goals. The overwhelming response is that...