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ESF: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2

Exercise Science Friday: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2 In Part 1 of this article, I explained the difference between an incorrect lockout and a correct lockout for the deadlift. In Part 2, I’m going to explain how to improve your lockout with specific...

Struggling with Pushups and Squats? Fix Your Core!

Learn how strengthening your core can improve you form on pushups and squats - and get you better results. The Highlights: A weak or inefficient core is what is holding back most people’s squats and pushups. The key is to use a progression that allows you to get...

Rethinking Your Core Training

Core training is one of the most popular training topics in the world of fitness. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most confusing. It’s confusing because there are an endless myriad of exercises, guidelines, and promises being made. It is even more...