Fat Loss Debunked: Why Crash Diets Can Make You Fatter

Fat Loss Debunked: Why Crash Diets Can Make You Fatter Raise your hand if you’ve ever asked yourself one of the following: “I’m exercising, lifting weights, and eating healthy, but why aren’t I losing weight?” “How come I look better, but my weight has gone up?” “Why...

A Tip for Getting Back In Shape Without Getting Hurt

A Tip For Getting Back in Shape Without Getting Hurt by Devin Gray, CSCS In a perfect world, we would never miss the gym. But life happens. Kids, finals, in-laws, work. It all happens. What happens next, though, can often be worse. I’ve known several people that...

6 Tips to Get Into Shape for Summer

Six Tips to Get Into Shape For Summer by Devin Gray, CSCS It may be hard to believe, but there are less than 100 days until the official start of summer: the summer solstice. Less than 100 days until it’s time to stroll the beach in that new swimsuit you bought, lay...

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program, by Devin Gray, CSCS August marks my 1-year anniversary of being a personal trainer. Over the course of the past year, I’ve spoken with plenty of our fantastic members about their goals. The overwhelming response is that...

5 Components of a Great Workout Program

5 Components of a Great Workout Program by Devin Gray, CSCS   Over the past few years the fitness industry has made some great strides towards creating better and more effective workouts. The approach is shifting from simply looking great to improving quality of...