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ESF: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2

Exercise Science Friday: How to Lock Out the Deadlift - Part 2 In Part 1 of this article, I explained the difference between an incorrect lockout and a correct lockout for the deadlift. In Part 2, I’m going to explain how to improve your lockout with specific...

ESF: No, Running is Not the Same as Training Legs

Exercise Science Friday: No, Running is Not the Same as Training Legs 2-3 times a week, I tell a well-meaning inquirer that “No, running is not the same as training your legs.” This article delves deep into why that is. At the end, I provide one of my...

Weekly Write Up - 6/25

In this week’s collection of thoughts, training tips, and recommended reads; I’ll cover bear crawls, the benefits of starting with an empty bar, the utility of bear crawls, growing vegetables, link two methods of how to self-assess shoulder mobility, and...

Improving Your Athleticism, At Any Age

As a fitness coach, the majority of people that I meet have one goal: physique improvement. Whether it’s fat loss or muscle gain, most people simply want to look better naked. As an industry, we’re all too happy to help, but I’d like to encourage a...

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program

The 4 Essential Pieces of a Fat Loss Program, by Devin Gray, CSCS August marks my 1-year anniversary of being a personal trainer. Over the course of the past year, I’ve spoken with plenty of our fantastic members about their goals. The overwhelming response is that...