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Debunked!: Juice Plus (A Research Review)

The fads, products, and training myths featured in Debunked! are, in my scientific opinion, an utter waste of time, effort, and money. I’ll investigate each topic, present my sources, explain my rationale, and then provide recommendations for more effective solutions....

Does It Work? Tips for Evaluating a MLM Supplement or Workout

It’s January, which means the onslaught of people selling Beach Body, Shakeology, Juice Plus, Isogenix, Juice Cleanses, Detoxes, Raspberry Ketones, and Insanity is upon us. These are usually sold through MLM (multilevel marketing) programs. Learn what questions...

Better Scrambled Eggs in 5 Simple Steps

Better Scrambled Eggs in 5 Simple Steps I have a goal that one day, I’ll be able to hire somebody else to do all of my cooking for me. Until that day, I’m stuck making my own meals. I cook a lot of scrambled eggs, both as a result of my limited skills and also as a...

11 Ways to Save Money and Eat Healthy

Eating healthy - very healthy - doesn’t always mean breaking the bank on every grocery trip. With the right shopping strategies it becomes very easy to save money while eating nutrient-dense, whole foods. I’ve shared 11 of my personal strategies for saving...

Weekly Write Up - 6/25

In this week’s collection of thoughts, training tips, and recommended reads; I’ll cover bear crawls, the benefits of starting with an empty bar, the utility of bear crawls, growing vegetables, link two methods of how to self-assess shoulder mobility, and...